Thursday, June 21, 2007

Norhananni Nordin A109255


I choose “in your dream” as a title my assignment by prof. david crystal. Firtly, I listen the audio and I didn’t undertand what he talked about. Then I try to listen it again and again and finally I understand the task. It was about phrase dream.

“In your dreams!' That phrase came in during the 1990s. It meant someone is being unrealistic, very optimistic, very hopeful. It mixes two senses of the word 'dream' - what happens when you're asleep, and the sense of day dream or reverie -it's a very general use.

And most interesting of all, the phrase being extended with the pronoun changing for example:

- when in a traffic jam, when the driver thought the road ahead was clearing. 'In your dreams!' said the passenger.

- 'I hear you're planning a holiday this year'. And I remember muttering to myself, 'in my dreams'!

I found a few vocabularies such as a below:

a. unrealistic unlikely to happen, not very possible

b. optimistic having a positive view on life

c. daydream pleasant thoughts that make you forget what you are doing

d. traffic jam cars in a queue that isn’t moving

e. pronoun a word that is used instead of a noun e.g. he or him

f. muttering speaking in a low voice so that people can’t hear you

And lastly, I like to listen of prof. david crytal although some time he talks very fast…huu

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