Saturday, June 23, 2007


assalamualaikum..........madam and my friends! how are you today??? i hope you are in blessing of allah.

today, i would like to talk about david cristal. i think, he is a old man but good speaks in english. i think, he speak fastly and i don't understand but we must learn very hard and hear regularly to improve my english language.

i also got the new words from david cristal like wysiwgh. first time, i don't understand what he talk about, what the meaning and how to spell it.

i think, i agree with madam opinion. we must always hear the people speak in english like david. beside that, we can correct our vocabulary spelling. why i talk that? becouse sometime words different in spelling but the sound near to same. other words are same but different the meaning.

whatever, i hope will be a good person in english language soon. insyaallah...k

assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabaratuh.

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